Astrophysics – Why Absorption and Emission Lines Don’t Cancel Out in the Sun


I was looking at this answer on why absorption lines and emission lines don't cancel out:

An experiment shining light on the material and looking at the
reflected spectrum will see absorption lines at those frequencies,
because the relaxation of the excited electrons will emit back
radiation all around randomly, whereas the reflected spectrum is at a
specific angle.

However it is not totally convincing to me. The photons that get emitted towards the center of the Sun (by the electrons in higher energy states that absorbed a photon earlier) would get absorbed again when they hit a different electron (and then re-emitted) and would eventually make it out. So why don't absorption and emission lines cancel out in our Sun?

Best Answer

The key point missing from most efforts to answer this question are that the Sun has a temperature gradient with depth. If it were (somehow) isothermal, then indeed the absorption and emission processes would cancel and the Sun's spectrum would be a smooth blackbody.

The photons we see from the Sun, were those that were able to escape from its photosphere - an outer layer only a few hundred km in thickness.

The interior of the Sun is hotter than layers further out and the radiation field approximates to a blackbody, with a radiation flux that is strongly temperature dependent. The strong temperature dependence, combined with the negative temperature gradient means that the solar spectrum is produced by the hottest layers we can see.

Why the emphasis? Well, the depth we can see into the Sun is wavelength dependent. Where there are strong radiative transition probabilities, the light coming from the interior is absorbed. The re-emitted light (it has to be re-emitted if the material is in thermal equilibrium) is emitted in a random direction and a negligible fraction comes towards us.

I think there are two key points. One is the random direction of the re-emission of absorbed energy, but the other is the temperature gradient which means there is a clear outward directionality to the net radiative flux which means you can treat the Sun as a succession of cooler "slabs" as one moves outward.

The net effects are absorption lines. A good way to think about the solar spectrum is that at each wavelength you are seeing a (roughly) blackbody spectrum emitted at the temperature of the layer from which photons at that wavelength can escape. Thus the bottom of an absorption line is emitted at cooler temperatures, closer to the "surface", whilst continuum comes from hotter, deeper layers, but at wavelengths where the opacity is lower so that the photons are still able to make it out.