[Physics] Why doesn’t light, which travels faster than sound, produce a sonic boom


I know that when an object exceeds the speed of sound ($340$ m/s) a sonic boom is produced.

Light which travels at $300,000,000$ m/s, much more than the speed of sound but doesn't produce a sonic boom, right?


Best Answer

A sonic boom is produced when a macroscopic object (say, roughly: larger than the average spacing between air molecules, $\approx 3\,\mathrm{nm}$) moves so fast that the air has no time to “get out of its way” in the usual way (linearly responding1 to a pressure buildup, which creates a normal sound wave that disperses rather quickly, more or less uniform in all directions). Instead, the air has to create a sharp shock wave then, which is two-dimensional and therefore can be heard much further.

Now, with small particles like light, this issue doesn't arise, because the air doesn't need to get out of the way in the first place: at least visible photons don't interact with air much at all, so they simply “fly past”. When there is an interaction, it pretty much means just a single air molecule is hit by a photon. This gives it a slight “knock” but nothing dramatic. And in particular, it doesn't happen simultaneously along a whole front, so there's no reason a shock wave would build up.

1Another way to look at this is if you consider the gas on a molecular level. The molecules have a lot of thermal movement – the average speed is in the same order of magnitude as the speed of sound. On this microscopic level, sound propagation is basically a “chain of messengers”: one molecule gets knocked to be slightly faster or slower than usual. This extra momentum information is carried on not so much by the sound-wave movement, but by the random thermal movements – in a “smooth” way. Therefore a slow-moving object, or a sufficiently small object (like an alpha particle) only causes normal sound waves. But it doesn't work like that if you hit the air on a whole front at faster than the speed of sound: in this case, the forward momentum you impart is larger than the usual thermal movement, and you get supersonic behaviour.

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