Electric Circuits – Why Doesn’t a Parallel Circuit Violate Conservation of Energy?


Let's imagine a hypothetical circuit where there are a large number of wires placed in parallel to each other, hooked up to a simple power source.

We know that voltage at each wire would be equal $V_{total}=V_1=V_2=…=V_n$ where $n$ approaches a large number; and that each wire is of some arbitrary constant length.

Next, assume that at the start of each wire there is a single charge of $+1C$, in each wire placed in parallel.
Since work done on a charge is $W=VQ$; where $W=$ work done, thus we apply the same voltage to each charge in each wire placed in parallel.

Since the voltage across each wire would be the same (say, $Resistance$ is ineligible, but $\neq0$) the work done would be same.
Additionally, we know $W=\vec{F}.\vec{s}$; Since the charge is displaced to a significant length (i.e of the wire) Thus work is done even if we may not be able to easily quantify force.

My questions is this – if the number of parallely-placed wires increases, $W\uparrow$. Thus, we can gain infinite joules by placing more and more parallel wires violating the conservation of energy:

\sum_{i=0}^{\infty}W_i = V_i \times1

by moving the $+1C$ charge in each parallel wire.

How is that possible?

Best Answer

For the same emf, as you increase the number of parallel circuit paths (i.e. increase $n$), you end up splitting the total charge $Q$ into smaller charges $q_i$ where the $q_i$s go through the parallel paths.

So, if you keep the same emf source and increase $n$, the charge $q_i$ that goes through a parallel path will be a fraction of the total charge $Q$ such that $\displaystyle \sum_i q_i = Q$ where $Q$ is the total charge passing through the emf.

To keep the charge that passes through each parallel path the same, you'd have to increase the emf as you increase $n$.

Either way, conservation of energy is not violated.

The reason is that for a parallel circuit, we have $I = I_1 + I_2 + I_3 +\dots + I_n$ and so $Q=q_1 + q_2 + q_3 + \dots + q_n$ which means that the work is $$\begin{align}W&=\sum_i^n W_i \\ &=\sum_i^n q_iV \quad \text{ and since }V\text{ is constant} \\ &=V\sum_i^n q_i\quad \text{where }Q=\sum_i^n q_i\\ \implies W&=VQ \end{align}$$

Suppose we represent the total charge $Q$ with these orange balls, notice how it is split into smaller charges $q_i$ which go through the parallel circuit such that the total work still is $VQ$.

enter image description here