[Physics] Why does the work done by an internal force differ from the work done by external force

energy-conservationfree-body-diagramnewtonian-mechanicspotential energywork

Let's consider the following situation. We put a body of mass $m$ at a distance $A$ from the center of Earth. We let the Earth attract the body and analyze the situation at a point $B$, closer to the Earth.

Now, the work done by the gravitational force (a conservative force, which seems to be important) is given by:

$$W = GMm\left(\frac{1}{r_B} – \frac{1}{r_A}\right)$$

This work equals the change of the kinetic energy of the system (approx., the Earth didn't budge too much) and the negative change of the potential energy of the system. The mechanical energy hasn't changed, the system is isolated.

What bothers me is this: why doesn't the work done by the gravitational force change the overall energy? It seems inconsistent to say "the work done equals the energy change, BUT not when the work is done by a conservative/internal force". Why does one work differ from another?

Best Answer

Energy is conserved so it can't be created or destroyed. All we can do is change energy from one form to another.

In your example we are changing the potential energy of the mass $m$ into kinetic energy. The increase in kinetic energy must be equal to the decrease otherwise energy wouldn't have been conserved.

By an external force I assume you mean some third party outside the system. To give a slightly ridiculous example this could be me standing well away from the Earth and the mass and poking the mass with a long pole to accelerate it. In this case the energy of the Earth + mass wouldn't be conserved, but also my energy wouldn't be conserved. However the energy of the Earth, the mass and me would be conserved. The distinction between internal and external forces is a bit artificial because all systems are closed and all forces are internal if you look on a big enough scale.