[Physics] Why does spin arise in non-relativistic quantum mechanics

quantum mechanicsquantum-spinspinors

In my study of quantum mechanics thus far, I have not yet encountered the Dirac equation, but to the best of my knowledge, the Dirac equation is the first place where you can show mathematically that an electron has a spin of $\pm\hbar/2$. If a relativistic version of QM (i.e. Dirac's equation) is the first place that you can determine a particle's spin, then why does the notion of spin arise when you are considering the eigenvalues of the non-relativistic operators $L_z$ and $L^2$ (of course, when you look at the eigenvalues of these operators, you rename them as $J_z$ and $J^2$ to take into account the spin of the system)? I have learned about spin, and know that it arises from the need to rotate the components of some spinor valued wavefunction, but it seems strange that the notion of half-integer eigenvalues of spin would arise in a study of quantum mechanics before the wave-function is even considered to be a spinor, or even before a relativistic formulation of quantum mechanics is considered. So then, why do the eigenvalues of spin show up before considering spinor wavefunctions and before the Dirac equation is considered?

Best Answer

In quantum mechanics, the $\overrightarrow L$ operator and the associated observables $L^2$ and $L_z$ already existed in nonrelativistic QM. The eigenfunctions of $L^2$ and $L_z$ are the spherical harmonics and the eigenvalues are $\hbar^2l(l+1)$ and $\hbar m$ respectively. The values of $l$ can be integer (corresponding to the spherical harmonics) and half integer (corresponding to a divergent solution to the differential equation). Given a value of $l$, the allowed values of $m$ went from $-l$ to $l$ in integer steps, totalling $2l+1$ degeneracy.

You can use the fact that experimental observables are related to the angular momentum operators. In particular, the energy of a dipole in a magnetic field is proportional to $L_z$. When experiments were performed on hydrogen, they observed a number of effects that hinted at electrons having spin. Firstly, electrons occupied hydrogen orbitals (and other atom's orbitals) in pairs. The Pauli exclusion principle forbids electrons from occupying the same state, but if you add a new quantum number with two states, you can explain the behavior of the periodic table. Experiments with Hydrogen in magnetic fields showed that the energy levels diverged. There was the expected behavior of moving charge creating a magnetic dipole. This produced odd splittings in the energy levels (as was expected for moving electrons in spherical harmonic states). But there were also splitting of the energy states which produced an even effect. A last effect worth mentioning and the one that really demonstrates that electrons have intrinsic spin $\frac{1}{2}\hbar$ is that if you send a cathode ray beam through a magnetic field, it will split into two beams in the direction of the magnetic field, indicating that the electron was a magnetic dipole with only two spin states.

These and a few other observations lead physicists to the conclusion that electrons have intrinsic angular momentum of magnitude $\frac{1}{2}\hbar$.

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