Quantum Mechanics – Why Does Planck’s Law for Black Body Radiation Have a Bell-Like Shape

quantum mechanicsthermal-radiationwavelength

I'm trying to understand Planck's law for the black body radiation, and it states that a black body at a certain temperature will have a maximum intensity for the emission at a certain wavelength, and the intensity will drop steeply for shorter wavelengths. Contrarily, the classic theory expected an exponential increase.

I'm trying to understand the reason behind that law, and I guess it might have to do with the vibration of the atoms of the black body and the energy that they can emit in the form of photons.

Could you explain in qualitative terms what's the reason?

Best Answer

Joshua has beaten me to an answer, but I'll still post this since it's written at a simpler level.

The reason you get a maximum because there are two effects that oppose each other. The number of modes per unit frequency rises as frequency squared, so as long as the energy of the modes is well below kT the energy is proportional to frequency squared. This is why the black body spectrum initially rises approximately as frequency squared.

However the probability that a mode is excited falls exponentially as soon as the energy of the mode is greater than kT, so as the frequency goes to infinity the emitted radiation falls to zero.

The net result of the two effects is that the emission first rises then falls again, and that's why there is a maximum in the middle.