[Physics] Why does light refract


I had read that light does slow down in glass because photons interact with atoms in glass. They are absorbed and re-emitted and during this phenomenon it's speed decreases. See also this and this Phys.SE post and links therein.

But then why does it bend? It has confused me a lot! Furthermore i have very little knowledge of Optics or Physics as a whole.

Best Answer

A good question, and one that confused me for a long time.

In the absense of matter the light wave is massless. However in the presence of polarisable matter the light interacts with the matter and forms a composite system. Now you have a single wavefunction that describes the combined system and you can no longer separate it into a light bit and matter bit. This composite system propagates with a velocity of less than $c$.

The composite system of light and matter is called a polariton although I think strictly speaking the term polariton is reserved for strongly interacting systems such as Bose-Einstein condensates, where the speed of light can be reduced to only a few metres per second.