[Physics] Why does fringe width in double slit experiment remain constant if slits get narrower


The fringe width produced on a screen remains constant as the two double slits get narrower, but you are able to see more fringes on screen.

I don't understand why the fringe width would remain at the same width when the slits get narrower.

In the single slit experiment, fringe width is directly proportional to wavelength/slit width, so I thought that by decreasing slit width (making them narrower), the fringe width would increase. Since the double slit is just the interference of two single slits, why does this not apply there too?

Best Answer

If I'm misunderstanding anything about your question, feel free to tell me.

As I derived in this post, the (one-dimensional) formula for the double-slit intensity (in the Fraunhofer regime) is

$$ I(\theta) = I_{0} \operatorname{sinc}^{2}\left(\tfrac{\pi a\sin\theta}{\lambda}\right) \cos^{2}\left(\tfrac{\pi d\sin\theta}{\lambda}\right) $$

where $a = \text{slit widths}$, and $d = \text{distance between the centers of the two slits}$.

The double-slit pattern has two patterns at play here: the large envelope pattern (blue graph in the first image) due to single-slit diffraction of each slit, and the small humps within the large pattern due to interference between the two slits (orange graph in the first image).

enter image description here enter image description here

The slit width $a$ is responsible for the width of the large envelope pattern while the slit distance $d$ is responsible for the width of the small humps within the pattern.

When you make the slits narrower, you're making $a$ smaller, which means you are only changing the envelope pattern (blue graph), not the pattern within the pattern (orange graph).

Hence, the actual fringes don't change size, but how many are displayed within the central spot are changed because the central spot is changing in size.