[Physics] Why does Fleming’s right hand rule work

conventionselectromagnetic-inductionelectromagnetismmagnetic fieldsvectors

Fleming's right hand rule shows that if you have a force in a certain direction and a magnetic field to in another direction, current will flow in a direction perpendicular to both. If you had a motion upwards, and a field to the left, current would flow towards you. but why not away from you? If it flows away from you it would still be perpendicular to both motion and magnetic field, so what makes it flow towards you instead of away from you?

I am looking for a physical explanation more than a mathematical one.

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Best Answer

The short explanation is that it works by convention. In other words, there are quantities that are unambiguous and everyone agrees on, like forces and velocities1. The magnetic field is, believe it or not, not one of those. The force produced by a magnetic field is calculated using the right hand rule, which seems arbitrary. The important part, though, is that we calculate the magnetic field using the same arbitrary right hand rule. Interestingly, when used in pairs like this, the arbitrary nature of the right hand rule cancels out.

In algebra, we say that the magnetic field of a wire is proportional a current by $$\vec{B}=\frac{\mu_0 I}{2\pi r} \left(\hat{I}\times\hat{r}\right),$$ where $\hat{I}$ points in the direction of current flow and $\hat{r}$ is perpendicular to the wire and points from the wire to the point we're measuring the magnetic field at. Rather than work out what direction that is, let's drop this into the Lorentz force law \begin{align} \vec{F}&=q\vec{v}\times\vec{B}\\ &=q\frac{\mu_0 I}{2\pi r} \vec{v}\times\left(\hat{I}\times\hat{r}\right) \\ &=q\frac{\mu_0 I}{2\pi r}\left[\left(\vec{v}\cdot\hat{r}\right)\hat{I}-\left(\vec{v}\cdot\hat{I}\right)\hat{r}\right]. \end{align} All of the cross products, and accompanying arbitrary right hand rules, have vanished!

1. Note that there is actually an arbitrariness in the definition of velocities and forces. We draw velocities as pointing from where the object was and to where it will be, but we could have chosen the opposite convention and not much would have worked out differently, just some minus signs being shuffled around. Similarly, we could have chosen the opposite convention for forces.