[Physics] Why does Fermi Level change due to change in donor atom concentration


Suppose I have a n-type semiconductor whose fermi-level lies (say) 0.2 eV below the conduction band. Why would this level change if I changed the doping by making the donor concentration (say) 4 times the original value?

And what does it even mean? Does this mean that chemical potential also changes ? (I guess it, probably, does but what it means?)

Also could we estimate how would it change in some approximate way?

Best Answer

Fermi level is an energy in which the electron distribution probability is 1/2. Due to Pauli Exclusion, the electrons will pile up so the Fermi level for electrons will move up.

Chemical potential is the same with Fermi level.

To calculate the value, you have to integral the Fermi-Dirac distribution function times the density of states. For a rough estimate, you can compare the doping density with the effective density of states. If they are comparable, then the Fermi level is close to the conduction band edge.

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