[Physics] Why does electricity flowing through a copper coil generate a magnetic field

electricityelectromagnetismmagnetic fields

Can some one please explain to me why electricity flowing though a copper coil generates a magnetic field or where I could possibly find that information? Are there other materials that produce a magnetic field when a current is run through them in a different shape? Thanks!

Best Answer

Can some one please explain to me why electricity flowing though a copper coil generates a magnetic field or where I could possibly find that information?

An electric current (a flow of electric charge) has an associated magnetic field regardless of the material (or space) the flow occurs in. This is a fundamental part of electromagnetism, rooted in observation, and quantified in Ampere's Law.

I wish to emphasize that this phenomenon is considered fundamental in nature, which means there cannot be a "more" fundamental explanation (if there were, electromagnetism would not be fundamental).

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