[Physics] Why does an orbit become hyperbolic when total orbital energy is positive


I stumbled across this page describing the energy of a given object in orbit.

It describes 'total energy' as:

$$E_{k} + E_{p} = E_{\mathrm{total}} $$

$$E_k = \frac{1}{2}mv^2$$
$$E_p = \frac{-GMm}{r}.$$

Towards the bottom of the page it states that if total orbital energy exceeds zero, the orbit becomes hyperbolic. Is there any empirical reasoning as to why this is true?

Best Answer

Intuitively, you expect that if your total energy $E$ is positive, then you have more kinetic energy than potential energy. Hence, the potential is not strong enough to ever bind the object into a closed orbit. Instead, the object will feel the effect of the pulling gravitational body, merely changing its trajectory but still remaining open, i.e. going to infinity.

Why a hyperbola, specifically?
I am afraid the particular shape of the function is a result of the algebra.
This is treated here for instance.

The orbit equation (in polar coordinates) is: $$ r = \frac{r_0}{1-\epsilon\cos\theta} \,, $$ which you can re-write in Cartesian coordinates as: $$ x^2(1-\epsilon^2)-2\epsilon x r_0+y^2 = r_0^2. $$ The $\epsilon$ parameter is the key of the solution, and it known as eccentricity, related to the energy $E$ as: $$ E = \frac{G m_1 m_2 (\epsilon^2-1)}{2r_0}.$$

If the energy is positive, $E>0$, then the eccentricity $\epsilon >1$ which results in an orbit equation of the form:

$$ y^2 - ax^2 - bx = k,$$ with $a, b$ and $k$ all positive. This is the equation for a hyperbola.