Newtonian Mechanics – Why All Motion in a Rigid Body Ceases at Once


I was reading through a book that presented the problem:

A disgruntled hockey player throws a hockey stick along the ice. It rotates about its center of mass as it slides along and is eventually brought to rest by the action of friction. Its motion of rotation stops at the same moment that its center of mass comes to rest, not before and not after. Explain why.

I saw a similar question at: Why does an ice hockey stick, when thrown on ice always rotate and translate together before coming to rest? Why not only rotate or only translate? but I didn't feel like I was satisfied with the answer.

The question was in the energy chapter so I tried to solve it with energy. I thought that if the force of friction on the COM was F and it traveled distanced s before stopping, then we can write the equation $\frac{1}{2}mv^2 = Fs$ where the LHS represents the initial kinetic energy. We could also write a similar equation for rotational energy, but I'm not sure what to do after that. Is it even reasonable to attempt to prove it rigorously or just by reasoning?

Another question that came from thinking about this question was how would you measure the torque brought by the friction since it's distributed across the stick, not just at one point?

Best Answer

If the stick is a bar, having plain contact with the ground along its length, the friction force opposing the rotation suggests to model it as 2 cantilever beams with uniformly distributed load, fixed in the COM. The friction load is distributed along its length, resulting in max. torque close to COM and zero at the ends.

So for a small area close to the ends, the total torque results only from the load on this area: $$\delta \tau = \delta I\frac{d\omega}{dt}$$ $\delta \tau = \delta Fr$ and the friction force in the element is $\delta F = \mu \delta N = \mu \delta m g$

The moment of inertia $\delta I = \delta m r^2$ and $$\omega = \frac{v}{r}$$

So, $$\mu \delta m g r = \delta m r^2 \frac{1}{r} \frac{dv}{dt} \implies \frac{dv}{dt} = \mu g $$

If we elaluate the force to decrease the average translation velocity in the same region: $$\delta F = \delta m\frac{dv_t}{dt} = \mu \delta N = \mu \delta mg \implies \frac{dv_t}{dt} = \mu g$$

Under the same acceleration, they must decrease together. If it happens for the ends of the bar, all the body will stop spinning and moving linearly at the same time for this model.

But if for example, the central portion have contact but not the ends, it is perfectly possible for the bar keeps rotating, after stopping its translational movement.