[Physics] Why does a spring lose its energy when compressed for a long time


Why does a spring lose a part of its energy when compressed for a long period of time? Is it because the material gets bent?

Best Answer

Yes. Some of the elastic energy stored in the spring does work by moving lattice dislocations through the metal - this is the physical mechanism responsible for the plastic deformation of the metal spring - and is the reason the spring may be permanently deformed when unloaded, even when the grip position applied to the spring has remained fixed. Plastic deformation generates heat, which can be lost to the environment as the deformed spring cools.

If it seems difficult to understand how work is being done when the ends of the spring are fixed, remember that the stress field inside the spring is inhomogeneous. Where the local stress exceeds the yield stress there are plastic strains that correspond to real displacements within the metal lattice, which are doing work against the local stress field. You could use calipers to measure the diameter of the wire comprising the spring to demonstrate that the material has changed shape.

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