[Physics] Why does a rod rotate


I'm a physics tutor tutoring High School students. A question confused me a lot.

Question is:

Suppose a mass less rod length $l$ has a particle of mass $m$ attached at its end and the rod is hinged at the other end in vertical plane. Another point object of mass $m$ is moving with velocity $v$ and hits the rod at its end and continues in its path with velocity $v/2$. The rod gets enough velocity that it can complete a vertical circular path. What would be the force due to hinge on the rod just after collision? Assume that time taken for collision is very small.

From conservation of momentum, the particle attached to rod gets velocity $V' = v/2$ which is equal to $2\sqrt{gl}$ and therefore $$T-mg=\frac{mv'^2}{l}$$ The tension in the rod is the Normal reaction due to hinge on the other end of the rod. Hence, the force exerted by rod is $$\frac{mv'^2}{l}+mg$$

But other teacher claims that I'm wrong. He says there will be horizontal force due to hinge on the rod. I say, there won't be any horizontal force. He gives an example that suppose there is a rod and you flick it at one end with finger then won't the other end move (or tend to move)? Well it does.


I've understood your answers mathematically.I still don't know how to counter my friend's argument. I'm convinced by it. Because it sounds intuitive. He says, suppose you have a rod (massless or with mass) in space, and you flicked at one of its end, then the other end surely will have velocity.Similarly, in the above problem, the collision will impart velocity to one end, so other end also must move but it is hinged and can't move because of hinge. So, there is a horizontal force due to hinge on the rod.

Best Answer

Well you are right. The other teacher is right only if he is a considering a massive rod. Furthermore, if he is considering a massive rod, he is right only if he is considering the infinitesimal time interval during collision, not after, and even furthermore only for a very specific combination of parameters - it is actually quite subtle!

Here's why. Because the rod is massless in your scenario, during the collision the two masses can be simply thought of as being free. Your have worked out this scenario in your post. Then starting from just after the collision, what the rod serves to do is to simply constrain the motion to that of a circle. Hence we need the tension force to provide the centripetal force as you have analyzed.

Ok, now let's see why the other teacher might be right. If the rod is massive, then (it plus the mass at the end)'s center of mass is not at the end. Say that it is some distance $x$ away from the end where the mass is attached (or equivalently, $L-x$ away from the hinge). Furthermore let's assume that the rod has a uniform density. Removing this assumption makes the problem much harder, but it is still tractable.

What the collision does is it provides an infinite force $F$, but with finite impulse (think delta function). Let's assume that the hinge also provides an infinite force $F'$with finite impulse, in the opposite direction. We will see if this force $F'$ is $0$.

The impulse delivered is \begin{align} J = \int F - F' dt. \end{align} But we know that if the mass that strikes the rod+mass carries along its merry way with $v/2$ (although the situation is a bit unphysical as it would have to 'teleport' to the other side), then by conservation of momentum the rod+mass setup must acquire a velocity \begin{align} v' = \frac{m}{M(x)+m}\frac{v}{2}, \end{align} where $M(x)$ is the mass of the rod. ($M$ is actually a function of $x$, because once you specify where the center of mass is, you've specified the mass of the rod, and vice versa.)

Because the impulse causes a change in momentum of the mass+rod system $J = (M+m)\Delta v$, we have \begin{align} J = m \frac{v}{2}. \end{align}

Besides a linear impulse, these two forces provide a rotational impulse too, that causes the mass+rod to spin. That is, \begin{align} (L-x)\int F' dt + x \int F dt = I(x) \omega, \end{align} where $I(x)$ is the moment of inertia of the mass+rod system about its common center of mass, given by the parallel axis theorem: $I(x) = \frac{ML^2}{12} + M(L/2 - x)^2 + mx^2$.

Ok, this is kind of messy. But let's push on. Let's figure out what $\omega$ is. Multiplying $J$ by $-x$ and adding it to the last equation, we get \begin{align} & L\int F' dt = I(x)\omega -xm \frac{v}{2} \end{align} Now if $\omega (L-x) = v'$, i.e. that the velocity of the point of the rod+mass at the hinge, which is the sum of the translational velocity plus the rotational velocity is $0$, then $F' = 0$.

Now, all these analyses was done in the infinitesimal time interval during collision. Just after the collision, once everything has settled. Then regardless of whatever situation we have, we have $\omega(L-x) = v$. Then the force of the hinge on the rod will be tangential to the motion because of circular motion requirements.

Ok, long story short: if you're talking about just after the collision, then there will be no horizontal force. if you're talking about during the collision, if the rod is massless, there will be no horizontal force. if you're talking about during the collision, if the rod is massive, then in general there will be a horizontal force.

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