Fluid Statics – Why Does a Cork Float to the Side of a Glass?


Why does a cork ball float to the side of a glass as illustrated in the following GIF? What is the physical phenomenon behind this observation and why does it happen?

Cork floating to the side (GIF)

Best Answer

It's a combination of two effects: buoyancy and adhesion.

Buoyancy lifts the cork up as much as possible, until it displaces its own weight of water (Archimedes' principle). For this reason, the cork will seek the highest point of the water level.

Because of adhesion between the water molecules and the glass, the water level is highest at the edges (the water level is concave). As a result, the cork moves to the sides.

If you'd fill up the glass to the brim, the water level becomes convex (due to surface tension), and the cork will stay in the middle.

See also this site and this youtube video.

Extra Info

By coincidence, a very similar question came up yesterday on a Dutch science program, and I learned there's actually a name for this phenomenon: the Cheerios effect. The name is derived from the fact that small floating objects on a liquid, like bubbles on water or cheerios on milk, tend to clump together, or stick to the walls.

The reason is the same as my answer above: there are two forces acting on a floating object: the buoyancy (which tries to push the object out of the liquid) and the surface tension (which tries to keep the object in the liquid). The result is a compromise, where the object is pushed partially out of the liquid, causing the surface to deform: it forms a small hill.

Nearby floating objects are affected by this deformation: a floating object seeks the highest point in a liquid (the buoyancy causes it to rise and move upward along the surface), so it will move towards the 'hill' formed by the other object. Therefore, bubbles (or cheerios) will cluster together.

A similar effect happens with objects that are denser than the liquid, but are not too heavy, so that they don't sink thanks to the surface tension. Paper clips are an example. These objects actually push down the liquid, creating a small 'valley' in the surface around them. But such object will also seek the lowest point on the surface, which means that nearby dense objects will again be attracted to each other. So paper clips also cluster together.

What happens when an object less dense than the liquid (e.g. a cheerio) is next to an object denser than the liquid (e.g. a paper clip)? The first creates a hill and seeks the highest point, the second creates a valley and seeks the lowest point. So the result is that they will repel each other!

There's a very nice paper that explains these effects in more detail:

The 'Cheerios effect' (Vella & Mahadevan, 2004).