[Physics] Why does a container with fluid make different sounds at different fluid levels

acousticsfluid dynamicsresonance

Have you ever noticed that when you are filling a container with fluid. As it approaches the top, it makes a different sound? You can tell by listening when your about to reach the top. Why is this?

Best Answer

It is caused by standing waves in the container. You get, as a result, harmonics. There are overtones occurring for a fixed frequency.

The changing sound is because a water filled container is like the half open model in the picture below. As the water level rises, the length of the tube decreases. This would lead to a change in the frequency of standing waves in the tube, thereby leading to different sounds.

The wavelength of the standing wave is a function of $L$.

$$ v= f\lambda \implies f = \frac{v}{\lambda} \implies f = \frac{v}{4L} $$

Harmonics in closed-open and open-open tubes

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