[Physics] Why do we say “Spacetime Curvature is Gravity”


Although "Spacetime Curvature is Gravity" is the first statement that is told to an infant by the "popular science", I believe that really really misrepresents what GR has to say. I am posting this question to confirm whether my understanding is appropriate or not.

I have the following arguments against "Spacetime Curvature is Gravity":

  1. Technically speaking, we mean gravitational field by gravity in the classical physics, and thus, according to the correspondence principle, the quantity used to describe gravity in a modern theory should, in the classical limit, become the good old (Newtonian) gravitational field. Christoffel symbols are the quantities that do so and not the Reimann curvature tensor. So, how come the curvature of spacetime can be called gravity?

  2. More importantly, the curvature of spacetime can be zero and we can still have non-zero Christoffel symbols. Since the vanishing or non-vanishing nature of Christoffel symbols is what determines whether the laws of Physics take the special relativistic form or not in a given frame, we can most certainly have gravity in the absence of the curvature of spacetime.

  3. It is argued at some places that it is the curvature tensor that determines whether there is any "true gravity" or not. Specifically, if the curvature is zero everywhere in the spacetime, one can always have a transformation that takes her from a generic coordinate system to a global Minkowskian coordinate system – in other words, one can globally gauge-away the gravity. Okay, great – but just the fact that you can gauge away the gravity doesn't mean that it doesn't really exist in those frames as well in which the laws of physics don't have a special relativistic form. One has got to accept in GR that the existence or otherwise of gravity is purely a frame-dependent fact. I think this is the most important insight of general relativity that the existence of gravity itself is a relativistic fact – it is perfectly fine that one frame sees gravity and the other doesn't. The famous "elevator experiment" – where an elevator, in the deep empty space (say, with zero curvature), is getting pulled by some rope – illustrates the very fact that wholeheartedly accepting that gravity is truly existent in the frame of the accelerated elevator is the way to do Physics in the accelerated frames. I agree that one can, in the cases where there is no curvature at all, do away with special relativity by cleverly chosing the inertial frame or by keep on transforming his equations referring to the inertial frame. But there is no other way to do physics in a non-inertial frame without keep referring to an other frame than accepting that gravity exists in non-inertial frames even if the spacetime is Minkowskian. And honestly, if one is willing to assert that just because gravity can be gauged away, gravity doesn't really exist then one should actually say that gravity doesn't exist locally even if the curvature is non-zero. But certainly, such an assertion is absurd.

So, shouldn't we say "Christoffel Symbols are Gravity" rather than "Spacetime Curvature is Gravity"?

Best Answer

No, we should not say that Christoffel symbols are gravity. The big reason, which really should be enough, is that they are coordinate dependent. One of the main tenets of General Relativity is that coordinates don't matter. Everything physical must be expressible in a coordinate independent and/or tensorial manner.

As I said in the comments, personally I think it's a bit ridiculous to suggest that using polar coordinates somehow brings gravity into the mix, while using Cartesian coordinates does not. The equation for a straight line changes, but you can verify using any number of methods that it's still a straight line. If polar coordinates show gravity, then where is that gravity coming from? What physical object is generating it? There was none in Cartesian coordinates.

But let me address your three points:

  1. It is not true in absolute generality that the Christoffel symbols correspond to the gravitational field, for the reasons I gave above. A gravitational field manifests itself in the Christoffel symbols, but not the other way around. Also remember that even in Newtonian gravity the equivalence principle holds, and one might argue that only tidal forces are measurable for someone in free fall, so that's one argument in favor of the curvature.

  2. Again, even in flat spacetime there are curved coordinates. "Special relativistic" means that the metric is $\eta_{\mu\nu}$ when expressed in locally Lorentzian (i.e. Cartesian) coordinates, not in any coordinates.

  3. This is basically the same as 2, but see the following paragraph.

I think the deep issue is that you are misunderstanding gravity for coordinate acceleration. You actually make a very good point in your number 3 argument, but you draw the wrong conclusion. The lesson of the equivalence principle is not that acceleration is relative and hence gravity is relative. You could take it as the conclusion, but then the word "gravity" is not very useful anymore because it is coordinate-dependent.

Instead, the lesson you should take away is that "gravity" should refer to something that has a physical existence independently of the observer, and that something is tidal forces, precisely because of the equivalence principle. Since coordinate acceleration is relative, the smart thing to do is to make "gravity" mean something that is not relative.

I insist with a very important point: this is not just a matter of definition; physical reality has my back here. I say this because it turns out that every time there are tidal forces, one can identify some physical object (planet, star, whatever) responsible for it. However, sometimes objects seem to not obey the Cartestian-flat-space geodesic equation with no apparent source of gravity nearby. To me it just makes much more sense to say that the thing that always manifests itself near a heavy object is gravity and that the thing that sometimes happens as a result of weird coordinates is not gravity.

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