[Physics] Why do we reduce only current to prevent power loss? Why not voltage


In power transmission lines current is kept low and voltage is kept high to reduce the power loss. This is because $P = I^{2}R$ and $P = VI$. In order to reduce power loss we have to reduce $I$ since $P = I^{2}R$ ($R$ is obviously a constant). And to reduce $I$ we have to increase $V$ because $P$ needs to be a constant ($P = VI$). Here's my question. Why don't we use the formula $P = \frac{V^{2}}{R}$? Now to reduce $P$ we have to reduce $V$. And to reduce $V$ we have to increase $I$ (since $P = VI$).

Best Answer

You need to pay attention to where the voltage is. Increasing the supply voltage does not mean that the voltage in all parts of the circuit go up. In fact, it might go down in some parts. Let's do a simple example. You need to supply a specified amount of power $P_{load}$ and you have a fixed distribution line with resistance $R_{line}$. However, you can choose the supply voltage $V_{supply}$ and the load will somehow cope (transformers or some other magic).

In these examples, I will use $P_{load} = 1MW$. The resistance of my line will be $R_{line} = 1 \Omega$ (round trip so each leg is $0.5 \Omega$).

Case 1 - lowish voltage distribution.

We aim to deliver $V_{load} = 1000V$ to the load. So, the load will need a current of $I = 1000A$ and the resistance of the load will need to be: $R_{load} = 1 \Omega$. The total resistance of the circuit will be $R_{total} = R_{line} + R_{load} = 2 \Omega$ and the supply voltage will need to be $V_{supply} = 2000V$. The voltage difference between the two ends of one distribution wire would be $500V$. So, the power loss in the line is $P_{loss} = I^2 R_{line} = 1MW$. We are losing as much in the line as the load. A terribly inefficient $50 \%$.

Case 2 - high voltage distribution

We aim to deliver $V_{load} = 1MV$ to the load. So, the load will need a current of $I = 1A$ and the resistance of the load will need to be: $R_{load} = 1 M \Omega$. The total resistance of the circuit will be $R_{total} = R_{line} + R_{load} = 1000001 \Omega$ and the supply voltage will need to be $V_{supply} = 1000001V$. The voltage difference between the two ends of one distribution wire would be $0.5V$. So, the power loss in the line is $P_{loss} = I^2 R_{line} = 1W$. So, boosting the voltage by a factor of $1000$ has not just reduced the loss by factor $1000$ but by factor $1000^2$ (million) and it is now negligible.

What is wrong with using the formula $P = \frac{V^2}{R}$? Nothing is wrong with it but you need to pay attention to the component that you are looking at. Note that I gave subscripts to $V$, $P$ and $R$ but not $I$. The reason is that the components are in series and so the current is the same in each. The resistance of the line is fixed but the load is not (see below). The voltage across the components varies as well.

Let's look at the load first. $P_{load} = \frac{V_{load}^2}{R_{load}}$ In case 1, $R_{load} = 1 \Omega$ and $V_{load} = 1000V$. Put these into the formula and you get $P_{load} = 1MW$. For case 2, different numbers go in but the same come out. This is not luck or coincidence; I chose $R_{load}$ to get this.

Now let's look at one wire of the distribution wires. Its resistance is $R_{wire} = 0.5 \Omega$. In case 1, the voltage between its ends is $P_{wire} = 500V$. $P = \frac{V^2}{R}$ gives $0.5MW$. There are two wires so the total power consumed by the wires is $1MW$ which is what I called $P_{loss}$. Doing this for case 2 gives a loss of just $1W$. This is the point of the exercise: by increasing the supply voltage, I need a lower current to deliver the same power. This means a lower voltage between the ends of the supply wires and less power lost in them.

Note that I needed to adjust the load between cases 1 and 2. I did not just boost the supply voltage with no change to the load; that would have a very different effect. Here is a simple but maybe not realistic example. My load is $1000$ resistive heating elements. Each is designed to receive $1000V$ and produce $1000W$. So, we can deduce that the intended current through them is $1A$ and the resistance is $1000 \Omega$. If I connect them all in parallel then they still need $1000V$ but the net resistance of the load will be $1 \Omega$, this is my case 1. Next I connect them in series, the net resistance will be $1000000 \Omega$ and I need to supply $1000000V$. This is my case 2.

I have ignored complications due to A/C effects and other factors e.g. leakage through insulation. A real life load will probably add many complexities but I hope that this gets the idea across.