[Physics] Why do we need screen to see real images


As we know that concave mirror forms a real image when object is placed beyond focal plane.
This image can only be seen if a screen is kept at the point of intersection of rays(sharp image).If any screen is not kept then we are not able to see the image formed by meeting of rays.Whereas in case of virtual image we don't need any screen .Our eyes sense the rays coming (appear to be coming) from image source and we see image.so why do we need screen to see real image even though the rays are actually meeting at a point then also we are not able to see image without screen.In the following figure we need screen for a,b,c,d and e.

image formed by concave mirror

Best Answer

A real image can be viewed on a screen, a virtual image can not. Rays from both types can enter your eye, be refracted by your eye's lens and form a real image on your retina as @CarlWitthoft points out.

So it is not the case that a real image must be viewed on a screen. It can be viewed on a screen.