[Physics] Why do we need different ensembles in statistical mechanics

statistical mechanics

Why do we study these different ensembles, microcanonical, canonical, grand canonical ensemble ? Are they used for studying different physical system or scenarios?(e.g. in some system you can only treat it as mirocanonical, and in other cases you can only apply canonical ensemble) Do they have the same result at thermodynamic limit?

Best Answer

If somebody tells you what the entropy is as a function of energy, volume, and number of particles, you have all the information you need (for a standard plain vanilla system). It is not necessary to define any other ensemble, but it is convenient. If your system for instance is in contact with a big other system ("reservoir") with which it can exchange energy, then you can either describe system plus reservoir microcanonically, or you describe only your system canonically. The latter is clearly more convenient, since you need not bother about the internal "workings" of the reservoir. For the purpose of your problem the entire reservoir is perfectly well characterized by a single number: its temperature.

The mathematical machinery of Legendre transforms provides a neat way to change from a thermodynamic potential (such as the entropy) to other potentials in which derivatives of the original thermodynamic potential become the new variables, and this transformation is being done without losing information. So, at the end of the day, this is just mathematical convenience: represent the necessary thermodynamic information in ways that are easier to handle in a given situation characterized by a particular set of constraints.