[Physics] Why do we feel a sudden chill


When we are in a room, especially in some old houses, we feel this sudden rush of cold air. How does a strong air current arise and pass away so quickly?(lasts for about a second)
I know air-currents are caused by pressure differences. But can pressure difference of the magnitude required to generate an air current be created within a second? If so , please answer with equation that relates the pressure and Temperature with time interval.
Thanks..i hope I am now much clearer with my question.
(I am inclined to think in the direction of something similar to a weather situation)

Best Answer

I will try to use the solar chimney effect in explaining sudden drafts in a closed house. It is a guess, and certainly not worth the trouble of writing equations.

In its simplest form, the solar chimney consists of a black-painted chimney. During the day solar energy heats the chimney and the air within it, creating an updraft of air in the chimney. The suction created at the chimney's base can be used to ventilate and cool the building below.1 In most parts of the world it is easier to harness wind power for such ventilation as with a windcatcher, but on hot windless days a Solar chimney can provide ventilation where otherwise there would be none.

First of all in a very cold environment one would not notice more chill in a closed house. Chimneys are usually well exposed to the sun, the air inside getting heated faster than outside so there is an updraft forming. A completely closed house with a chimney will reach an equilibrium point, where the under pressure in the house generated by the updraft balances the force of the updraft.

If a door is opened and shut, an impulse travels through the house as the air tries to equillibrate with the outside pressure. This will reach the chimney and release the updraft. It will take some time to reach the chimney if it is in another room or another floor. Once it reaches the chimney a pulsed updraft starts, sucking air from the house and the basement which is cooler will be the supplier of this air. The duration of the pulse should be the time of opening and shutting the door.

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