Newtonian Mechanics – Why Different Masses Fall at the Same Rate Without Air Resistance

accelerationfree fallmassnewtonian-gravitynewtonian-mechanics

I'm far from being a physics expert and figured this would be a good place to ask a beginner question that has been confusing me for some time.

According to Galileo, two bodies of different masses, dropped from the same height, will touch the floor at the same time in the absence of air resistance.

BUT Newton's second law states that $a = F/m$, with $a$ the acceleration of a particle, $m$ its mass and $F$ the sum of forces applied to it.

I understand that acceleration represents a variation of velocity and velocity represents a variation of position. I don't comprehend why the mass, which is seemingly affecting the acceleration, does not affect the "time of impact".

Can someone explain this to me? I feel pretty dumb right now 🙂

Best Answer

it is because the Force at work here (gravity) is also dependent on the mass

gravity acts on a body with mass m with

$$F = mg$$

you will plug this in to $$F=ma$$ and you get

$$ma = mg$$ $$a = g$$

and this is true for all bodies no matter what the mass is. Since they are accelerated the same and start with the same initial conditions (at rest and dropped from a height h) they will hit the floor at the same time.

This is a peculiar aspect of gravity and underlying this is the equality of inertial mass and gravitational mass (here only the ratio must be the same for this to be true but Einstein later showed that they're really the same, i.e. the ratio is 1)