[Physics] why do metals feel cold when electron moves at Fermi velocity

electronsquantum mechanicsthermodynamics

This might be a very elementary question. Considering that electrons in typical metals have very high Fermi velocity, why is it that when you touch a metal you feel cold? My intuition tells me that due to Fermi-Dirac distribution only a tiny fraction of electrons near the Fermi surface participate in heat conduction. Heat transfer due to electrons is tiny compared to transfer due to phonons. Is this reasoning correct?

Best Answer

In a Fermi-Dirac distribution, the relationship between temperature and the speed of particles is not intuitive. Even at cold temperatures, fermions can have high speeds simply because of degeneracy - the lower momentum states "fill up", leaving only states with large momentum available, and this is true even at very cold temperatures. However, the heat capacity of the conduction electrons is negligible - heat cannot be extracted precisely because there are no lower energy states available.

The reason that metals feel cold is because they have a high thermal conductivity. This can also be attributed to degeneracy of the conduction electrons, since in a degenerate electron gas there are few available lower momentum slots into which a conduction electron can be scattered. This means that the electrons have a relatively long mean free path between scattering events and are able to transfer heat efficiently from your finger into the metal and then away. Thus the temperature of the metal where you touch it does not rise to match your skin temperature.

I don't think phonons come into this at all. In metals, electron heat conduction dominates phonon transport.

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