[Physics] Why do hot objects prefer to emit photons over electrons ? Is there electron-positron annihilation


Why do hot objects prefer to emit photons over electrons ? Is there electron-positron annihilation ? If so , why ? Im confused by this.

Best Answer

The energy levels in any object are quantized. The ground state of an electron is the lowest energy. From there electrons can have many higher energy levels, the highest being that which allows them to completely escape the nuclear attraction, i.e., get emitted.

So hot objects can emit electrons, but the probability that any single electron will have that much energy just due to heating the object is lower than electrons going up a few levels (due to gaining thermal energy) and then jumping back and emitting photons. Very hot objects can become plasma (electrons are emitted and you are left with ions). There are of course other ways to achieve a plasma (e.g., dielectric breakdown discharge) which are not equilibrium thermal excitation. But that is beyond scope of this question.