[Physics] Why do electron and hole mobilities decrease with temperature


From page 35 of "Microelectronics" by Millman Grabel

Mobility $\mu$ decreases with temperature because more carriers are
present and these carriers are more energetic at higher temperatures.
Each of these facts results in an increased number of collisions and
$\mu$ decreases.

Limiting for now the discussion to electrons, my intuition suggests that at a higher temperature (without changing the electric field and the number of carriers), a single electron collides more frequently with the ions and so, on average, its velocity is reduced to zero more often. That causes its drift velocity to be less than it would be at a lower temperature.

I can't get an intuition of why an increased number of electrons (at a constant temperature) causes the mobility to decrease. For a given applied electric field, each electron changes its direction at each collision and, on average, it attains a drift velocity $v_d$. That happens for every electron, that are assumed to be independent from one another. The global drift velocity should still be the same $v_d$. So why the number of electrons affects the mobility (that is, the drift velocity since $v_d = \mu E$)?

What should I imagine for holes?

Best Answer

The way mobility depends on average scattering time of the carriers is given here:

A simple model gives the approximate relation between scattering time (average time between scattering events) and mobility. It is assumed that after each scattering event, the carrier's motion is randomized, so it has zero average velocity. After that, it accelerates uniformly in the electric field, until it scatters again. The resulting average drift mobility


where q is the elementary charge, m* is the carrier effective mass, and τ is the average scattering time.

If the effective mass is anisotropic (direction-dependent), m* is the effective mass in the direction of the electric field.

The higher the temperature , i.e. the more kinetic energy the carriers have, the faster they will meet a scattering center. So in a simple model the higher the temperature the smaller the mobility.

With increasing temperature, phonon concentration increases and causes increased scattering. Thus lattice scattering lowers the carrier mobility more and more at higher temperature. Theoretical calculations reveal that the mobility in non-polar semiconductors, such as silicon and germanium, is dominated by acoustic phonon interaction.

A rough human size analogy for slow motion (long scattering time, low temperature) versus fast: A crowd in a square listening to a speaker. They are still except for random mobility of changing places for friends or access to seats.... There will be no problem with mobility, i.e a person can go through the crowd easily. If an explosion is heard , everybody will start running and hitting each other (high temperature low mobility) . People die trampled in panic situations.