Electric Fields – Why Do Electric Field Lines Curve at the Edges of a Uniform Electric Field?


I see a lot of images, including one in my textbook, like this one, where at the ends of a uniform field, field lines curve.

enter image description here

However, I know that field lines are perpendicular to the surface. The only case I see them curving is when drawing field lines to connect two points which aren't collinear (like with charged sphere or opposite charges) and each point of the rod is collinear to its opposite pair, so why are they curved here?

Best Answer

I have taken your image and created a few additional field lines at one end of the plates in the first diagram below.

When you come to the ends of the plates, the field starts to resemble that associated with two point charges instead of a sheet of charge. The second diagram below shows the field lines between two point charges. Note that as you move away from the two point charges an equal distance apart, the lines look like those at the ends of your parallel plate capacitor (curved lines). Towards the center between the charges, the field lines start to look straight and evenly spaced (parallel lines).

Hope this helps.

enter image description here

enter image description here