Thermodynamics – Why Do Dark Objects Emit More Thermal Radiation?


For the purposes of this question, "lighter" and "darker" refer to the absorptive qualities of the objects. Darker objects absorb more light, and therefore appear darker.

I'm trying to understand the emissivity of lighter versus darker objects. I get why dark objects absorb more light than lighter ones (available energy transitions, probability of interaction with photons, etc). But why do they also emit more thermal radiation?

I'm familiar with the thought experiment with a light and dark object in an enclosed box reaching equilibrium (much better explained here), but that is more of a proof and not a physical explanation. Do dark objects emit more for the same reasons they absorb more, just in reverse?

Best Answer

The microscopic laws of physics all (excepting the weak interaction) have the property of being invariant on time-reversal. In a classical context that means that if I show you a very short film clip of pool balls colliding, you'll have a hard time knowing if I have shown it to you forward or in reverse. In quantum mechanics the meaning of "invariant" is a little different, but it implies that cross-section for the forward and reversed process are identical.

Now consider the emission and absorption of light. All possible modes are quantum mechanical interactions of the electro-magetic variety, which means that they are time-reversal invariant. So, any mechanism that emits photons of a particular wavelength efficiently from some high-energy also absorbs photons of the same wavelength efficiently from the lower-energy state. And those low energy states will be available because the thing is emitting all the time.

And the reversed argument also applies. Wavelengths that aren't emitted efficiently have no efficient mechanism for being absorbed either.

This is basically why a single quantity---the (wavelength dependent) emissivity serves to parameterize both emission and absorption.

This also points out one of the big puzzles of physics: how do microscopically reversible laws result in macroscopic irreversibility ala the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. (And one answer comes from Statistical Mechanics.)