[Physics] Why do bosons tend to occupy the same state

bosonsquantum mechanicsquantum-statistics

It is often said that, while many fermions cannot occupy the same state, bosons have the tendency to do that. Sometimes this is expressed figuratively by saying, for example, that "bosons are sociable" or that "bosons want to stay as close as possible".

I understand that the symmetry of the wavefunction allows many bosons to be in the same one-particle state, but I can't see why they should prefer to do that rather than occupying different states.

Anyway, according to many science writers, bosons not only can be in the same state, but they also tend to do that. Why is it like that?

Best Answer

Suppose you have two distinguishable coins that can either come up heads or tails. Then there are four equally likely possibilities, $$\text{HH}, \text{HT}, \text{TH}, \text{TT}.$$ There is a 50% chance for the two coins to have the same result.

If the coins were fermions and "heads/tails" were quantum modes, the $\text{HH}$ and $\text{TT}$ states wouldn't be allowed, so there is a 0% chance for the two coins to have the same result.

If the coins were bosons, then all states are allowed. But there's a twist: bosons are identical particles. The states $\text{HT}$ and $\text{TH}$ are precisely the same state, namely the one with one particle in each of the two modes. So there are three possibilities, $$\text{two heads}, \text{two tails}, \text{one each}$$ and hence in the microcanonical ensemble (where each distinct quantum state is equally probable) there is a $2/3$ chance of double occupancy, not $1/2$. That's what people mean when they say bosons "clump up", though it's not really a consequence of bosonic statistics, just a consequence of the particles being identical. Whenever a system of bosonic particles is in thermal equilibrium, there exist fewer states with the bosons apart than you would naively expect, if you treated them as distinguishable particles, so you are more likely to see them together.