Angular Momentum – Why Debris Did Not Collapse Back to Earth During Moon’s Formation

angular momentumcollisionconservation-lawsmoonsolar system

The most accurate theory for the formation of our moon is the Giant impact hypothesis, which says that a Mars sized body collided with our early Earth and after this collision all the debris got spreaded and that debris moved in an orbit (somehow) and then recombined to form our moon.

But why didn't that debris fall back to the earth? They didn't have any perpendicular component of velocity to follow an orbit as suggested in this answer.

They were projected radially from the earth's and the collider's crust (Right ?)

So why did that debris followed a curved path to form the moon ?

Best Answer

A lot of debris has probably fallen back to earth. To stay in orbit you need enough angular momentum to overcome attraction. But if the collision happened at an angle a portion of the debris could have enough angular momentum to sustain orbit. Here is a nice video of how the collision could have happened.

Here are some snapshots from the video in case the link breaks

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enter image description here

enter image description here

Over time any debris that had enough angular momentum to stay in orbit will eventually collect into the moon (or fall back to earth).

Edit based on the comments.

If you have some experience with orbital mechanics you might expect the debris to follow an ellipse. Since an ellipse forms a closed orbit which started at the surface you might expect that after one period all the debris would have fallen exactly where it came from. This isn't the case though: ellipsoidal curves only occur in two body systems. The blob of mass that is ejected is large enough that it has a gravitational field of its own and this complicates things a lot. Combine this with the fact that the blobs can collide with other blobs and stick to each other. This give some pretty complicated interactions and to say anything meaningful you would have to run a simulation at some point. In this case the interactions make some of the matter go into orbit instead of falling back down.

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