[Physics] Why Compton scattering probability for gamma ray increases and reaches a maxima and finally decreases with energy? Non mathematical answer please

gamma-raysquantum mechanicsradiationscattering-cross-section

enter image description hereIt is seen from mass attenuation vs energy plot thar compton scattering cross section goes through a maximum. It is low at low energy and high at high energy. Why? I want a non mathematical answer.


Best Answer

This is not a complete answer, but I think I partially understand why the cross-section falls off roughly like $1/E_\gamma$ at high energies. Note that the title of the question refers to probabilities, but the graph is of cross-sections. The probabilities are affected by competition from pair production.

High-energy behavior

In terms of relativistic transformation properties, we expect $\sigma=A/F$ to be invariant under longitudinal boosts, where $A$ is a Lorentz scalar and $F=mE_\gamma$ is the Moller flux factor . The only dimensionless Lorentz scalars we can form are $x=p_\gamma\cdot p_e/p_e\cdot p_e=E_\gamma/m$ and functions of $x$. The high-energy limit of the integrated Klein-Nishina formula is $\sigma\approx \pi r_0^2\ln x/x$, where $r_0$ is the classical electron radius, so $A\approx \pi/\ln x$.

So it seems that the high-energy behavior of the cross-section is mainly just kinematic, except for the rather gentle logarithmic dependence on energy that is present as well. Of course this is not really a fundamental answer, since I don't have any physical reason to offer as to why $A$ is only logarithmic in $x$ at high energies.

Low energies, free electrons

In the limit of low energies, the Compton scattering cross-section for a truly free electron is just the Thomson cross-section, which is classical and constant. I assume the Klein-Nishina cross-section falls off as you go down in energy from $mc^2$ and then approaches that limit. It would be interesting to understand why it falls off, which I don't understand. Mathematically, if you look at the integrated Klein-Nishina cross-section as a function of $x$, a bunch of terms cancel to first order for small $x$.

Low energies, in matter

In matter, it's not really clear to me whether it makes sense to talk about Compton scattering in a low-energy limit, and I don't know how this was defined in the graph the OP posted. Compton scattering is by definition scattering of a photon by a free electron. At very low energies, it will not make sense to describe any electrons (except maybe conduction electrons in a metal?) as free. I would think the cross-section would depend on the condensed matter physics. In a non-metal, below the threshold for the photoelectric effect, I would expect the cross-section for scattering to be zero.

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