[Physics] Why can’t the Uncertainty Principle be broken for individual measurements if it is a statistical law

heisenberg-uncertainty-principleprobabilityquantum mechanicsstatistics

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is derived for two operators $\hat A$ and $\hat B$ as
$$\Delta \hat A\ \Delta \hat B \geq \dfrac{1}{2}|\langle[\hat A, \hat B] \rangle|$$
where $\Delta$ denotes the standard deviation in a variable.

Taking position and momentum as $\hat A$ and $\hat B$ respectively, we get-
$$\Delta \hat x\ \Delta \hat p_x\geq \hbar/2$$

Now, mathematically what this means is that if we prepare a large number of states $\ | \Psi \rangle$ and perform measurements of the position and momentum on them one by one, the RMS value of deviation from the mean for both $x$ and $p_x$ will show an inverse relationship with each other.

How then does this lead to a restriction on the individually measured values of position and momentum? How do we make claims such as the particle is restricted to this box so it can't have a zero momentum and so forth?

Best Answer

While uncertainties can be interpreted as statements about ensembles of identically-prepared states, that's not how they are defined. You take a state $\psi$ and then the uncertainty $\sigma_\psi(A) = \sqrt{\langle A^2\rangle - \langle A\rangle^2}$ for any observable $A$ is simply a property of that state.

A state that has a definite momentum of zero would have to be an eigenstate of momentum. You can straightforwardly show that $\sigma_\psi(A) = 0$ for an eigenstate of $A$. So any state that has a well-defined $\sigma_\psi(x)$ cannot be an eigenstate of momentum, since the uncertainty principle implies $\sigma_\psi(p)\neq 0$. Note that this argument shows that in general you cannot have eigen"states" of position or momentum if both $\sigma_\psi(x)$ and $\sigma_\psi(p)$ exist.

"It can't have zero momentum" is not supposed to mean it's impossible to measure 0 momentum - just that it's not an eigenstate where the only possible result for momentum is zero (or indeed any other value of momentum).

In somewhat sloppy phrasing, "It can't have zero momentum" might also refer to the expectation value of the magnitude of momentum: If $\sigma_\psi(p)\neq 0$, then since $\sigma_\psi(p)\leq \sqrt{\langle p^2\rangle}$ we have that $\langle p^2\rangle$ is also non-zero.

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