[Physics] Why can’t the molecules of an ideal gas have the same speed

ideal-gaskinetic-theorystatistical mechanics

This question arises from two statements about the kinetic theory of gases in the Indian NCERT chemistry textbook, chapter 5, p. 148.

These are (emphasis by me):

  • Collisions of gas molecules are perfectly elastic. This means that total energy of molecules before and after the collision remains same. There may be exchange of energy between colliding molecules, their individual energies may change, but the sum of their energies remains constant. If there were loss of kinetic energy. the motion of molecules will stop and gases will settle down. This is contrary to what is actually observed.

  • At any particular time, different particles in the gas have different speeds and hence different kinetic energies. This assumption is reasonable because as the particles collide. we expect their speed to change. Even if initial speed of all the particles was same, the molecular collisions will disrupt this uniformity. Consequently. the particles must have different speeds. which go on changing constantly. It is possible to show that though the individual speeds are changing, the distribution of speeds remains constant at a particular temperature.

Now going along the line of the second statement (i.e.,assuming that initially all particles having the same speed initially) and making additional assumption that ideal gas has same kind of molecules we can show that (via conservation of kinetic energy and momentum) the speed of the particle before and after collision is the same.

  • So why this isn't the case for the statement in the book? Are there some other factors acting in there that change the situation?

  • Is the case (of same speed) possible for real gases? (Assuming that ideal one is possible)

Best Answer

No you cannot.

we can show that (via conservation of kinetic energy and momentum) the speed of the particle before and after collision is the same.

Only in the center of mass of two elastically colliding particles the momentum remains the same. Each pairwise collision has a different center of mass. In the laboratory frame, which is the frame one is trying to model the ideal gas, all the momentum might be taken by one of the particles, leaving the other motionless in the lab. This happens with billiard ball collisions all the time. See this analysis. So even if one made an experimental setup with all the particles of the ideal gas with the same speed, after the first scatter, speeds will change because they will not all be head on, there will be angles, and then the laboratory versus center of mass argument prevails.

The distribution functions for the ideal gas were given by Maxwell using simple and reasonable assumptions. Boltzman refined this.

It is a model, i.e. a theoretical formula, that has been validated by data over and over again.