[Physics] Why can’t I slap an insect into unconsciousness


So it is summer, which means I have to deal with insects. Today one has made it into my room and while I tried to work this insect was constantly in my face, which caused me waving my hands in the air. Now I have actually hit it 3 times but it kept coming back. Then I was wondering, why don't insects actually really mind when you just basically slap them with one hand? They don't fall to the ground, they surely don't die and they don't even seem injured in any way.
If a giant as much bigger than me than I am compared to an insect were to just slap me, I would imagine I were at least severely injured.

Is a human hand alone – not using a wall or another hand etc. to mash – really too slow for an insect to cause damage? Or does the insects "skin", which is made out of chitin, just give the insects this super power?

Best Answer

  1. Mass and material strength do not scale equally with size. This is well known, so I'll only illustrate with a few examples.

    Imagine a small cylinder of clay 1/2 inch around and 2 inches tall sitting on your desk. It can sit there a while with little deformation. Now imagine a cylinder of the same material 10 feet around and 40 feet tall. It would slump down significantly right away.

    Look at the thickness of animal legs over animal size. Evolution would have trimmed off excess material long ago. Note how much thicker elephant legs are relative to overall size than those of a dog or ant.

  2. The effects of air viscosity are much greater at the small size of a insect than they are to our human-scale experience. The air pushed in front of your hand will push the insect well before it actually hits your hand.
  3. You can stun insects by whacking them, although it usually takes something a bit faster and more rigid than your hand for something as small as a fly. I found the best way to hunt flys in a apartment in college was to whack them in mid air with a large metal spatula. This would knock them to the ground where they'd lie for a 10-20 seconds, then buzz on like nothing happend. That gives you plenty of time to dispatch them. The long handle of the spatula allowed me to move it faster than I could move my hand.
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