Lagrangian Formalism – Why Can’t Any Term Added to the Lagrangian Be Written as a Total Derivative?

actionclassical-mechanicslagrangian-formalismmathematical physicsvariational-principle

All right, I know there must be an elementary proof of this, but I am not sure why I never came across it before.

Adding a total time derivative to the Lagrangian (or a 4D divergence of some 4 vector in field theory) does not change the dynamics because the variation can be assumed to be zero on the boundary and integrated away.

But I don't see why any arbitrary function (as long as it is well behaved, no discontinuities, etc.) can't be written as a total derivative (or 4D divergence). In fact, I know that any nice scalar function in 3D can be written as a 3D divergence of some vector field, since for any 3D charge distribution, there exists an electric field whose divergence is equal to the charge function because of Gauss' Law.

But if I can write any function as a total derivative (or divergence of some vector) than I can add any function to the lagrangian and get the same dynamics, which means the lagrangian is completely arbitrary, which makes no sense at all.

So my question is, why can't an arbitrary function (as long as it is well behaved, no discontinuities, etc.) be written as a total derivative of some other function (or divergence of a vector)?

Best Answer

Let us for simplicity consider just classical point mechanics (i.e. a $0+1$ dimensional world volume) with only one variable $q(t)$. (The generalization to classical field theory on an $n+1$ dimensional world volume with several fields is straightforward.)

Let us reformulate the title(v1) as follows:

Why can't the Lagrangian $L$ always be written as a total derivative $\frac{dF}{dt}$?

In short, it is because:

  1. In physics, the action functional $S[q]$ should be local, i.e. of the form $S[q]=\int dt~L$, where the $L$ is a function of the form $$L~=~L(q(t), \dot{q}(t), \ddot{q}(t), \ldots, \frac{d^Nq(t)}{dt^N};t),$$ and where $N\in\mathbb{N}_{0}$ is some finite order. (In most physics applications $N=1$, but this is not important in what follows. Note that the Euler-Lagrange equations get modified with higher-order terms if $N>1$.)

  2. Similarly, we demand that $F$ is of local form $$F~=~F(q(t), \dot{q}(t), \ddot{q}(t), \ldots, \frac{d^{N-1}q(t)}{dt^{N-1}};t),$$ We stress that $L$ and $F$ only refer to the same time instant $t$. In other words, if $t$ is now, then $L$ and $F$ does not depend on the past nor the future.

  3. The special intermediate role played by the $q$ variable in between $L$ and $t$. Note that there can be both implicit and explicit time-dependence of $L$ and $F$.

Counterexample: Consider

$$L~=~-\frac{k}{2}q(t)^2.$$ Then we can write $L=\frac{dF}{dt}$ as a total time derivative by defining

$$F=-\frac{k}{2}\int_0^t dt'~q(t')^2. $$

($F$ is unique up to a functional K[q] that doesn't depend on $t$.) But $F$ is not on local form as it also depends on the past $t'<t$.

Finally, let us mention that one can prove (still under assumption of locality in above sense plus assuming that the configuration space is contractible, due to an algebraic Poincare lemma of the so-called bi-variational complex, see e.g. Ref. 1) that

$$ \text{The Lagrangian density is a total divergence} $$ $$\Updownarrow$$ $$\text{The Euler-Lagrange equations are identically satisfied}. $$


  1. G. Barnich, F. Brandt and M. Henneaux, Local BRST cohomology in gauge theories, Phys. Rep. 338 (2000) 439, arXiv:hep-th/0002245.