[Physics] Why can x-rays pass and not radio waves


If we stand in an elevator or other metal containers we lose radio signals etc the very same reason for which we cannot see across a block of metal that light cannot penetrate it. However x-rays and gamma rays can.

Now if you see the working of Faraday's cages then from weak to very strong no electric field passes through them which is why they are safe!

Now I would draw the simple conclusion that atleast one part of EM radiation must not be penetrating any metal surface and since EM radiations cannot survive solely as E or M radiation any sort of radiation penetrating metal surface must not be possible.

But in fact x-rays do pass metal surfaces. How can this happen when clearly atleast electric field part of radiation must not penetrate the block?

Best Answer

A Faraday cage need not be a continuous conductor — you can make a reasonable Faraday cage out of chicken wire. The rule of thumb is that if the gaps in the conductor are small compared to the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave, the wave "won't notice" and the conductor will appear continuous; if the gaps are bigger than the wavelength, parts of the signal can pass through the cage without interaction. So a chicken-wire Faraday cage could be a good blocker of meter-scale radio waves, but would definitely be a poor blocker of millimeter-wave radio.

X-rays and gamma rays have wavelengths comparable to or smaller than the spacing between atoms in a metal, so even a solid piece of metal "looks like" a chicken-wire fence with lots of gaps.

An alternative explanation (which isn't as different as it might seem) is that radio waves can transfer energy to many of conduction electrons at once, making them slosh around. But there aren't any high-frequency collective motions for bound electrons in the conductor, so x-rays and gamma rays tend to excite single electrons and to give them enough energy that they essentially become free particles. (This is "Compton scattering"; photons above 1 MeV can also lose energy by creating electron-positron pairs.) Since the electron motion isn't collective, it doesn't really matter any more whether the electrons were conducting or not beforehand, and so conductors don't really make better shields for x-rays and gamma rays than similarly-dense insulators.

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