[Physics] Why can some electromagnetic waves heat things up while others cannot


I have read that heat radiation happens in the form of infrared, which is an EM radiation with a longer wavelength than visible light. So the heat radiation that you can feel in an oven or under the the sun is actually the infrared portion of the total radiation. This is why fluorescent or LED lights are so bright but they don't heat up a lot – they mostly produce radiation in the visible spectrum with negligible infrared, whereas incandescent bulbs used to produce a lot of infrared as a byproduct (some would say the visible light was the byproduct in this case).

My question is why does electromagnetic-radiation in some wavelengths heat things up, whereas others, with both longer or shorter wavelength (RF, Microwave, UV, Gamma), don't have the same effect? Is it because of the size of the atoms/molecules, or inter-atomic distance, or the distance between nucleus and electrons? Some wavelengths are better suited to increase the vibration of the atoms than others?

Best Answer

In a solid, "heat" consists of random vibrations of the atoms in that solid around their equilibrium positions. If the radiation striking that solid has a wavelength component that is close to one of those possible vibration modes, then the radiation will couple strongly with that vibratory mode and the solid will accept energy from the incident radiation and its temperature will rise.

If the incident radiation has too high a frequency (X-ray or gamma) the coupling is poor and the radiation just goes right through without interacting much. If the frequency is too low (radio frequencies lower than radar) the radiation bounces off and also doesn't interact much. This leaves certain specific frequency bands (like infrared and visible light wavelengths) where the interaction is strong.

Note that this picture is somewhat simplified in that there are frequency bands in the gigahertz range where the RF energy bounces off electrically conductive materials like metal (this gives us radar) but interacts strongly with dielectrics and materials containing water molecules (this gives us microwave ovens).

Note also as pointed out below by Frederic, molecules possess resonant modes that their constituent atoms do not and these can be excited by RF energy as well. Many of these molecular modes lie within the infrared range, giving rise to the field of IR spectroscopy.

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