[Physics] Why can only moving metals (aluminium) reflects a magnetic field of a magnet


A maglev train is riding because the magnets in the train are reflecting their magnetic field on the aluminium rail, so it is lifted up. Also when you rotate a aluminium plate and you hold a magnet above it, it will reflects his own magnetic field (north or south)and is repeling it.

In a way you can compare it with looking in the mirror. You can see yourself because light is reflecting on the mirror back to you. But in case of a mirror you won't need any movement, but why is that in case of magnetic fields?

Best Answer

The point that you are missing is that light which is a type of electromagnetic wave consists of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. So your assertion is not correct. In the case of a metal the light causes the free electrons to oscillate and reradiate what you call the reflected light.

I am not sure about the use of the term reflection in the context of the maglev. If you move the north pole of a magnet towards a metal plate a force is produced on the free electrons which then move and so a current is produced. That induced (eddy) current produces the equivalent of a north pole which repels the incoming north pole. This process generate heat because a current is flowing in the aluminium which has resistance. If the aluminium is replaced by a superconductor the there is no energy loss and engineers think that this may in the future be the method to be use for magnetic levitation.

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