Atomic Physics – Why Atoms Can Only Gain or Lose Electrons, Not Protons


I know that an object can become net negative or net positive by losing or gaining electrons, and having more or fewer protons than electrons but why can't protons be transferred too?

Best Answer

The energy required to remove an electron from an atom is called its ionization energy. Typical ionization energies are five or ten electron-volts. A visible-light photon carries an energy somewhere under $\rm3\,eV$ and cannot ionize most free atoms. There is enough ultraviolet light in sunlight that atoms on Earth can be preferentially ionized during the daytime, which drives lots of interesting chemistry. However typical temperatures on Earth $(T=\rm300\,K$, $k_BT = \frac{1}{40}\rm eV)$ are low enough that atoms typically don’t ionize spontaneously. The relative stability of atoms against ionization allows stable molecules to exist.

The energy required to remove a proton from a nucleus is called the proton separation energy. Typical proton separation energies are five or ten million electron-volts. In an environment where proton separation was happening, there would be so much energy kicking around that all of the nuclei would be completely ionized, with no bound electrons at all. If you, a biological person made of molecules like DNA and protein, were to visit such an environment, you wouldn’t be made of molecules any more after your visit, and you would therefore have forgotten your question.

It’s not that protons can’t be transferred. It’s just that if we lived in a place where proton transfer was common, we would have a very different perspective on chemistry.

You may actually be aware of some consequences of one nucleon-transfer reaction. Energetic radiation from outer space can cause spallation when interacting with the Earth, either with the atmosphere or with the heavier nuclei under Earth’s surface. Some of the spallation products are free neutrons, which thermalize and behave like a (very tenuous) component of Earth’s atmosphere. The most common species in the atmosphere is nitrogen-14, which interacts with thermal neutrons by

$$ \rm ^{14}N + n \to p + {}^{14}C $$

The carbon-14 will beta decay back to nitrogen, with a half-life of about 5000 years. So if you find an object made of carbon, you can measure the ratio of carbon-14 versus carbon-12 and learn whether that carbon was recently distilled from the atmosphere. Carbon mostly exits the atmosphere to be concentrated in living plants (and in eaters of recently-living plants), while non-organic carbon does not accumulate new carbon-14: a carbonaceous object with carbon-14 in it was probably alive in the geologically recent past, and figuring out how recent is straightforward.