[Physics] Why can a thermos flask break when washed in cold water


My mother and the manual of the thermos flask say to use warm water to wash it and avoid cold water. Why is this? The water isn't even that cold ($27^\circ \text{C}$). If the thermos works so well for very hot liquids, why can cold water break it?

Best Answer

The main reason why a thermos flask may break is when when you pour cold water into it while the glass is still hot. E.g. you empty a thermos flask that still contains some hot liquid, then immediately follow this up with cold water.

The phenomenon is called thermal shock. When the cold water hits the hot glass inner wall of the flask the glass starts cooling and shrinking due to thermal expansion (in reverse). But heat conduction takes time, so for a brief moment the inside of the glass wall is colder than the outside of the glass wall.

As a result the inside is contracting while the outside is not yet. This causes stress in the glass which in some cases leads to the glass cracking.

You can even demonstrate this using a small, cheap drinking glass. Heat it up in an over to about $150^\circ$ (Celsius) and prepare a water/ice bath. Gently drop the hot glass into the ice/water bath: chances are that it will shatter.

A cold thermos flask will not break when you pour cold water into it.

Note that it is by no means guaranteed that a thermos flask will break in these conditions. Local flaws, scratches or pre-existing micro-fissures in the glass probably initiate/exacerbate the breakage. Severity of the thermal shock (temperature difference), glass thickness and innate glass tensile strength also play a role.