[Physics] Why are two voices singing the same note louder than one


Let's say for example:

Two people sing the same note (frequency) and volume (amplitude) together.

Why is it that the two persons sound louder than they would individually?

I would imagine that since the traverse waves generated by the two persons would randomly be louder or softer, based on the phase shift between the two sound waves. But that hypothesis is obviously untrue since in the real world a choir is clearly louder than a soloist.

Best Answer

This is a neat question. Did you know that adding two Sine waves of the same frequency but different phase together always produces another Sine wave? Of course you can imagine two perfectly out-of-phase Sine waves that "cancel" by adding to a line but in that case you can just imagine the result as a Sine wave with 0 amplitude.

Using gnuplot with the following commands I plotted the sum of 4 Sine waves:

a = rand(0)
b = rand(0)
c = rand(0)
d = rand(0)
plot sin(x + a * (2 * pi)) + sin(x + b * (2 * pi)) + sin(x + c * (2 * pi)) + sin(x + d * (2 * pi))

And on the first go I got this:

add 4 sine waves together

Notice the shape and frequency is the same but the amplitude has increased. If you add them randomly together again you'd get something like:

add 4 sine waves together again

Notice that the amplitude is still greater than 1 but the phase has shifted.

What's happening is that each Sine wave you add increases the maximum possible amplitude so the more you add the better the chance of getting a wave with amplitude greater than 1.

Chris White posted a fantastic answer about the brightness of the sun where he goes into a lot more details about the math of adding waves and the statistics of it.

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