[Physics] Why are there sine and cosine in the magnetic dipole moment (in the torque formula) of a rotating conductor loop

electromagnetismmagnetic fieldsmagnetic-momenttorque

I'm trying to redo the textbook example in magnetostatics. The current carrying loop is affected by a magnetic flux in the ax→ direction. While trying to find the torque on sides ab and cd for figure c and d, I noticed that they used sine and cosine. Where did the sine and cosine come from?
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Best Answer

in your textbook this formula

$\tau=\vec r \times \vec F$

where $\vec r$ is sepration vector joining origin to the force vector, is used to find torque due to forces $\vec F_{ab}$ and $\vec F_{cd}$ respectivaly

torque due to $\vec F_{ab}$

$\vec \tau _{ab}=\vec r_{ab}\times \vec F_{ab}=\left|\dfrac{W}{2}\right|\left( \vec a_{x} sin\theta - \vec a_{y} cos\theta \right)\times |ILB|(\vec{-a_{y}})=-\left|\dfrac{ILBW}{2}\right| sin\theta \ \ \vec a_{z} $

torque due to $\vec F_{cd}$

$\vec \tau _{cd}=\vec r_{cd}\times \vec F_{cd}=\left|\dfrac{W}{2}\right|\left( -\vec a_{x} sin\theta + \vec a_{y} cos\theta \right)\times |ILB|(\vec{a_{y}})=-\left|\dfrac{ILBW}{2}\right| sin\theta \ \ \vec a_{z} $

so, those sines and cosines are due to components of position vector after rotation of loop

alternative method:

background :

the torque is given by

$\vec{\tau}=\vec M \times \vec B$ where

$\vec M=n I\vec A$ is magnetic moment vector and $B$ is magnetic field vector

but ,

in your question: after the loop has rotated by angle $\theta$ about z-axis

now area vector or normal vector of the loop (and hence, the magnetic moment vector) is pointing in oblique direction (in x y plane) as shown in figure (d) of your textbook

$\vec M= |IWL|\left(cos\theta \vec a_{x}+sin\theta \vec a_{y}\right)\ \ \ $ (inside || i've magntiude of that vector)

and $\vec B = |B|\ \vec a_{x}$


$\implies \tau=-|IBWL|sin\theta \vec a_{z}\tag{1}$

thus, total torque acting on rectangular loop is given by above expression out of which half part is contributed by side $ab$ and half by side $cd$

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