[Physics] Why are there gapless excitations in the anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg model while the true ground state is a singlet

condensed-matterquantum mechanicsstatistical mechanicssymmetrysymmetry-breaking

The true ground state of the anti ferromagnetic quantum Heisenberg Model (nearest neighbor only)is known to be a singlet (I think this is Liebs theorem.)

Since a singlet is invariant under rotations, the ground state doesn't break the rotational symmetry of the Hamiltonian (which the classical Neel state does break)

So Goldstone's theorem should not apply as we have not spontaneously broken any continuous symmetry in the ground state. Yet we do have anti-ferromagnetic magnons which are gapless excitations.

Why do we have the gapless excitations without breaking any symmetry?

Best Answer

You are correct that Goldstone's theorem does not apply to the 1-D Heisenberg chain, or indeed to any local 1-D system, because there is no continuous symmetry breaking in 1-D for local Hamiltonians. But Goldstone modes are not the only possible kinds of gapless excitations - you don't need continuous SSB for a system to be gapless. There are plenty of examples (other than the Heisenberg chain) of gapless systems that don't break any continuous symmetries, like critical systems, algebraic spin liquids, or systems with Fermi surfaces.

Put another way, Goldstone's theorem says that continuous SSB implies gapless excitations, but the converse of Goldstone's theorem is not true: gapless excitations do not imply continuous SSB.

The low-energy excitations of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain are "spinons," which can be roughly thought of as the free spins that arise from breaking spin singlets in the ground state. Their gaplessness can be proven using the Bethe ansatz, or by using the fact that the emergent low-energy QFT description is a Wess-Zumino-Witten model, which is a CFT and therefore gapless, as an energy gap would set a scale and break conformal invariance.