[Physics] Why are there dust particles on TV screens


My professor gave us the following reason:

The screen is positively charged. When dust particles fly near it, the positive charges in the screen induce a charge in the dust particle, pulling the negative charges closer to it, and pushing the positive charges away. The screen then attracts the negative side, pulling the dust particle to it.

But why does the screen attract the whole dust particle? Its only attracting the negative charges so why does the "whole" dust particle go to the screen? Why doesn't the screen just rip out the electrons, and repel away the rest of the particle?

Best Answer

Short answer:Finite size of dust particles and inverse square law.

The side of the dust particle towards the screen is negatively charged and the other side is positively charged.Now due to the inverse square law,the force of attraction is more than than the repulsion as the negative side is closer and the particle experiences a net force towards the screen.

enter image description here

Why the electrons don't travel to the screen?

Because they still tightly held by the atoms of the dust particle.The T.V. screen only induced a slight polarization of the dust particle.The electrons have not travelled to the negative side(unlike conductors) but the atom itself undergoes slight polarization.(Similar to what happens in dielectrics).