[Physics] Why are there chiral edge states in the quantum hall effect


The most popular explanation for the existence of chiral edge states is probably the following: in a magnetic field, electrons move in cyclotron orbits, and such such cyclotron orbits ensure electrons to move in a single direction at the edge. That is why the edge state is chiral.

I think this picture is too classical. Could anyone provide me with other explanations for this phenomenon? Does it have a relation with time-reversal symmetry breaking, Chern numbers, or some other topological phenomenon?

Best Answer

Here is an explanation that's purely quantum.

A charged quantum particle in a magnetic field is subject to Landau quantization. Taking the magnetic field in the $z$ direction, we can choose the Landau gauge for the vector potential: $$ \mathbf{A} = B x \hat{y} ~~ \Rightarrow ~~ \mathbf{B} = B \hat{z}. $$ The Hamiltonian in the coordinates $xy$, ignoring (for now) the edges of the sample:

$$ H = \frac{1}{2m} \left( \mathbf{p} - \frac{e \mathbf{A}}{c}\right)^2 = \frac{1}{2m} \left[ p_x^2 + \left(p_y- m \omega_c x\right)^2\right],$$

where $\omega_c = eB/mc$ is the cyclotron frequency.
After separation of variables we get the wavefunctions:

$$ \psi(x,y) = f_n ( x- k_y / m \omega_c ) e^{i k_y y},$$

where $f_n$ are the eigenfunctions of the simple harmonic oscillator ($n=0,1,2...$). The expectation values of $p_y$ and $x$ for this wavefunction are $\langle p_y \rangle =k_y$ and $\langle x \rangle =k_y / m \omega_c$, and the current along the $y$ direction is proportional to the generalized momentum in that direction:

$$ \langle I_y \rangle = \frac{-e}{m} \langle p_y - m \omega_c x\rangle = \frac{-e}{m} (k_y - m \omega_c \frac{k_y}{ m \omega_c} )=0.$$

As expected, we get zero current in the bulk of the sample.
Now let's imagine we are near the edge of sample on the negative side of the $x$ axis. This means the particle will feel a confining potential $U(x)$ that looks roughly like: enter image description here
This potential will deform the wavefunction $f_n$ to a wavefunction that has more weight in the positive direction of $x$ than before, and then we'll get $\langle x \rangle > k_y / m \omega_c$, leading to: $$ \langle I_y \rangle > 0, $$ i.e. edge current in the positive $y$ direction. Notice that this is the same direction predicted classically.