[Physics] Why are the noble metals inert


I am wondering: The noble 'gases' are inert because they have closed shells and don't want to give that up. But the noble metals, such as Copper, Silver, Rhodium, Gold, don't seem to have this.

For example, Rhodium has electron configuration $4d^{8}\, 5s^1$. To me, this looks very similar to the alkali metals, which we all know are 'very' reactive. So why doesn't Rhodium happily give up its s-electron? Same with Silver, $4d^{10}\, 5s^1$. Why not give up the s electron?

Best Answer

Some more misconceptions:

The ChemGuide website quoted above might be a useful reference for "UK-based exam purposes" as stated there, but it certainly does not help in solving the question. The arguments given above that followed the comments on ChemGuide are inaccurate. A simple quantum chemistry calculation of gold in its ground state will give you that the electron in the s orbital (A1G) is the most energetic in this atom. Hence, ionization will most easily be accomplished by removal of this electron, and not of d electrons, and this is easily proved by another computation for ionized gold, which will show you that the 5d orbitals will remain filled while the 6s orbital is no longer occupied. Actually, it is known that if the most external d shell is filled, the energies of these orbitals will be effectively lowered, and there is a very high probability that the ionized electron will not come from it, but from more energetic s or p orbitals. (I have just done a few of these calculations in order to make sure this point is right)

In order to analyze why some metals are more inert than others, various effects come into play. Relativistic effects, such as the contraction of s orbitals, for example, are a major factor in making gold less reactive than silver, and in lowering the oxidation potential of gold. So, in addition to looking at chemical potentials when discussing the inertness of metals in different environments, it is better not to reduce the arguments to simple electron configuration trends which usually work quite well for main group elements, since, though they might generate insights for the understanding of the behavior of metals, these insights might be either right or wrong.