[Physics] Why are the Nambu-Goto action and Polyakov action equivalent at quantum level

actionlagrangian-formalismpartition functionpath-integralstring-theory

It's a well known elementary fact that the Nambu-Goto action
$$S_{NG} = T \int d \tau d \sigma \sqrt{ (\partial_{\tau} X^{\mu})^2 (\partial_{\sigma} X^{\mu})^2 – (\partial_{\sigma} X^{\mu} \partial_{\tau} X_{\mu})^2}$$
and Polyakov action
$$S_{P} = – \frac{T}{2} \int d \tau d \sigma \sqrt{h} h^{a b} \eta_{\mu \nu} \partial_{a} X^{\mu} \partial_{b} X^{\nu}$$
are equivalent at the classical level. More precisely, by solving $\delta S_{P} / \delta h_{a b} = 0$ for $h_{ab}$ and plugging it back to $S_{P}$, we get $S_{NG}$.

However, my question is whether they are equivalent at the quantum level or not. That is, if let
Z_{P}[J] := \frac{\int D[h_{a b}] D[X^{\mu}] \exp(-i S_{P} [h_{a b}, X^{\mu}] + i \int d\tau d\sigma J_{\mu} X^{\mu})}{\int D[h_{a b}] D[X^{\mu}] \exp(-i S_{P} [h_{a b}, X^{\mu}])}
Z_{NG}[J] := \frac{\int D[X^{\mu}] \exp(-i S_{NG} [X^{\mu}] + i \int d\tau d\sigma J_{\mu} X^{\mu})}{\int D[X^{\mu}] \exp(-i S_{NG} [X^{\mu}])} \;,
do we also have
Z_{P}[J] = Z_{NG}[J] \; ?

Best Answer

The path integral involving the Nambu-Goto square root in the exponent is a very complex animal. Especially in the Minkowski signature, there is no totally universal method to define or calculate the path integrals with such general exponents.

So if you want to make sense out of such path integrals at all, you need to manipulate it in ways that are analogous to the transition from Nambu-Goto to Polyakov. The fact that these transitions are justified classically or algebraically is a reason to say that you are giving a reasonable definition to the Nambu-Goto path integral.

If you hypothetically had different values of the Nambu-Goto path integrals (and Green's functions), you could still try to perform the steps, the introduction of the additional $h_{ab}$ auxiliary metric, and the transformations to obtain the Polyakov form. So if there were some other value of the Nambu-Goto path integral, there would have to be a way to see it in the Polyakov variables, too.

But the Polyakov path integral is much more well-behaved (also renormalizable, anomaly-free in $D=26$ etc.), especially when you fix the world sheet metric $h_{ab}$ to a flat or similarly simple Ansatz. The Polyakov path integral is pretty much unambiguous and well-behaved which is why there can't be any other reasonable result coming out of it, and because of the relationship with the Nambu-Goto action, there can't be any other meaningful enough meaning of the Nambu-Goto path integral, either.

I think that instead of asking whether two well-defined objects are the same, the right attitude to this question is to admit that the Nambu-Goto path integral (or quantum theory based on it) is a priori ill-defined, a heuristic inspiration, and we're trying to construct a meaningful well-defined quantum theory out of this heuristic inspiration. And the transition to the Polyakov-like calculus isn't just an option, it's pretty much an unavoidable step in the construction of a quantum theory based on the Nambu-Goto heuristics.