[Physics] Why are photo electrons emitted instantly from metal surface just nanoseconds after the light falls upon it

electronsphotoelectric-effectphotonsquantum mechanicswave-particle-duality

Why are photo electrons emitted instantly from metal surface just nanoseconds after the light falls upon it? How does the quantum theory of radiation explain it? Why can't classical physics explain this?

Best Answer

The photoelectric effect, which is what you are describing, is one of the basic experimental effects that forced the invention of Quantum mechanics.( The other reasons were black body radiation and the atomic spectra.)


Classically there should not be this behavior, because classically the frequency of the light should not play a role in the ejection of electrons, only the energy of the classical light beam was expected to affect the ejection of the electrons.

Nanoseconds are not "instantly". It is within the $Δ(t)$ allowed by the quantum mechanical solutions for the specific interaction : photon hitting atoms and ejecting electrons, releasing them from the atomic/molecular binding.