[Physics] Why are heavy things harder to lift


According to multiple websites, any object in free-fall (no air resistance) on earth will accelerate towards the Earth at 9.8 m/s. If all objects fall towards the Earth at the same rate, regardless of their mass, then why is it harder to push a heavier object away from the Earth, than a lighter object?

Best Answer

When you are lifting an object, you are exerting a force that balances the force of gravity on the object. By $$ F = m g$$ where g is the acceleration due to gravity, you see that a greater mass causes a greater gravitational force that has to be balanced by the force you apply to the object by holding it or lifting it at a constant velocity.

Using the more general Newtonian law of gravitation, $$F = G \frac{M m}{r^2}$$ with $G$ being the gravitational constant, $r$ the separation and $M$ and $m$ two masses, we can rearrange for an object in the gravitational pull of Earth: $$F = G \frac{M_{Earth}}{r^2} m$$

If we approximate this by saying that the object is very close to Earth and its mass is nearly zero, the first part of the formula depends only on Earth's physical properties and therefore becomes a constant: $$g = G \frac{M_{Earth}}{r^2}$$

We see that $$g = 6.67 \times 10^{-11} \frac{5.97 \times 10^{24}}{(6.37\times 10^6)^2} \frac{N m^2}{kg^2} \frac{kg}{m^2} = 9.81 \frac{N}{kg} = 9.81 \frac{m}{s}$$

So, the acceleration due to gravity only depends on the mass and the radius of the planet (with our assumptions), but the force that you need to exert in order to balance gravity depends on the mass of the object you are trying to hold.