[Physics] Why are electrons alike but photons not


Perhaps this is a misconception, but why are electrons alike and photons not? Given two photons, they may differ by having different frequencies (energies). Given two electrons, there are just two indistinguishable electrons?

Best Answer

It's a good question, and one that puzzled me for a while as well. However the answer is very simple.

For a massive particle like an electron the total energy is given by:

$$ E^2 = p^2c^2 + m^2 c^4 $$

where $p$ is the momentum and $m$ is the rest mass of the electron. Electrons can obviously have any momentum you want, so the total energy can be any value greater than $mc^2$. The de Broglie wavelength of the electron is $\lambda = h/p$, so the electron can have any wavelength you want.

If we now consider a photon, the key difference is that the rest mass is zero, so the equation for the energy becomes:

$$ E^2 = p^2c^2 $$

Just like the electron, the photon can have any momentum you want, so the total energy can be any value greater than zero. The wavelength of the photon is again $\lambda = h/p$.

So there isn't any difference between the electron and photon except that the non-zero rest mass of the electron means the energy can't be zero. Both electrons and photons can have different energies and wavelengths.

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